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Serentity Hypnosis

Dan Troxell Jr. Certified Hypnotherapist

Self Help CD'S

Here is a Description of the CD's which I offer so that you can begin helping yourself through Hypnotherapy.

"Personalized CD"

If you have a specific issue, fear or phobia or bad habit, I can work with you to make you a personalized CD. Because everyone's issues are different this is the most effective way to help you. As an example one person might have trouble sleeping because their partner snores, while another may not be able to calm their mind. With a personalized session we can address your specific problem and solve it quickly and easily. When you place your order, I will send you a very specific questionnaire, after you return your completed questionnaire, answering the questions as truthfully as possible; I will record you your own personalized CD.


Every individual is different in tolerance levels, coping abilities, reactions and therapeutic needs. Dealing with stress is best accomplished with a trained professional who can determine causes and evaluate reactions. Sheer willpower is not the remedy in stress cases. Effective and permanent relief from stress can be accomplished with some simple hypnotic suggestions and this CD will help you deal with stress in an effective manner.


Unfortunately we live in a stressful society, this type of CD will not eliminate your stress, but it will help you to react to them in a more positive way. Stress has been linked to numerous health problems. If you can handle your daily stress without reacting to them in a negative way, you will feel much better, and your health will benefit from the new lifestyle.


learn to deal with your stress with very simple hypnotic suggestions so that you can become a calmer and stronger person. Stress can change your entire personality, make you short tempered and even make you physically ill. Learning how to de-stress will make all aspects of your life smoother and much easier.


This type of CD will help you to allow you to help to heal yourself both naturally and physically. It allows you to access the own healing abilities, that you possess. When you relax and let the healing energy flow, your body is able to do what it's supposed to do, and that is to keep yourself healthy.


This type of CD will help you to relax and be comfortable with your upcoming surgery. It will help you to remain calm through the whole experience of having your surgery. You will be confident in knowing that everything will be fine and your hospital and surgical team are will qualified and experienced at handling your procedure. You will be able to recover more quickly because it has been medically proven that your mental state is very important in your healing and recovery.


None of us want to be in circumstances that we need to have surgery, however sometimes it is necessary. Fear of that surgery will sometimes keep us from doing what is best for us. With hypnosis we can remove the fear of the unknown and give you the tools to make your procedure stress free, and you're healing as painless as possible. A positive and relaxed attitude assists greatly in the healing process.

"Healing White Light"

Pain is the body's way of telling you that something is wrong. When we know the source of the pain we then have to deal with the removal of that pain. Hypnosis is the best non-drug way of easing that pain. Pain does not have to be disabling and you can learn to sweep away that pain with simple suggestions to your subconscious mind.

"Weight Management"

One of the basic tools of weight management is confidence enough to know you can lose weight. Hypnotherapy will give you the skills to use your willpower to lose weight. You will also be able to replace your unhealthy eating habits with healthy ones. It is usually understood that there is an underlying reason that people overeat. With hypnosis this problem can usually be identified and helped. You should listen to the tape/CD every day for at least 2 weeks. Than at least once a week for the next 6 weeks or until your eating habits have been modified to achieve the results you want.

"Weight Management"

So many of us today are overweight and diets just don't seem to be able to keep us on track. With hypnosis we can change your attitude about food as well as the way you eat. You can lose weight and keep it off and live a healthier life with hypnosis therapy.

"SMOKING CESSATION - One Step Program"

When you are ready to quit smoking, this CD will help you make the transmission from smoker to non-smoker easily and comfortably. Smoking is a habit and habits can be broken simply with hypnotic suggestions. We can even address the issue of weight gain after quitting, if you are ready to quit and just need a little push in the right direction then this hypnosis CD is for you.

"SMOKING CESSATION - Three Step Program Program"

This program is for those of you who say…I'd like to quit but it's too hard or I've tried before or maybe even orders from a doctor based on serious health concerns, or even I like to smoke. This program is a 3 week program that will slowly help you to not want to smoke anymore, it will take away the enjoyment, and the need and/or desire to smoke anymore. You can be a non-smoker even if you think that you can't. YOU CAN QUIT. Even if you have tried to quit in the past and failed you can be successful with hypnotherapy, Your order of this program will consist of 3 CD's. The first will be your initial hypnosis session and beginning if the process to make smoking less desirable, you will listen to this CD every day for a week. The second week's session will take you deeper into hypnosis with post-hypnotic suggestions, and in the last weeks session you will eliminate all your cravings and desires to smoke. This program has been very successful in my private practice for those of you who are“on the fence” about quitting.

"Regression Therapy "

Regression Therapy is a valuable tool in finding the cause of many disabling fears and phobia's. Looking into the past can give us the answers to why we feel the way we do today. Regression, of any type, presents no particular risks in the hands of a professional. It can offer major advantages in revealing the sources of problems, even habit control. This CD will take you back into a past life and may give you some of the answers you have been seeking.


Hypnosis in no way replaces traditional medical treatment